All About ADHD Shame Hey friends, today I’m going to get a little vulnerable with you and talk about what some people call ADHD shame. It is often served with a big ole side order of ADHD Guilt. It’s something I still sometimes struggle with, and I’ve been working on releasing it for… Continue reading ADHD Shame – Where Does It Come From?
Category: ADHD and You
This category is all about self esteem building, self confidence building, becoming your authentic self and breaking free from ADHD shame and guilt.
ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD Overstimulation When Everything Is Just Too Much What Is ADHD Overstimulation? ADHD folks often struggle with ADHD Overstimulation. Have you ever seen someone standing off to the side of a crowd covering their ears with their hands? Has anyone ever told you that certain sounds makes them feel physical… Continue reading ADHD Overstimulation – When Everything Is Just Too Much
ADHD and The Brain
What’s happening in that ADHD Brain? The ADHD brain is a very complicated little operating system. There are millions of cells in every area of the brain, and each area is tasked with being in charge of a specific bodily function. There are areas assigned to things like breathing, seeing, hearing, interpreting, carrying out tasks… Continue reading ADHD and The Brain
My ADHD Journey
ADHD? Yes? No? Yes! My ADHD Journey Hey friends! Let’s chat about my ADHD Journey. I have recently been officially re-diagnosed with ADHD – or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I’ve had a long, complicated ADHD Journey, so I thought I’d share it with you. My ADHD Journey begins – well – I… Continue reading My ADHD Journey
My Mental Health Mash Up
My Mental Health Mash Up Hello Friends, Before you read further, please take a look at the content warning. This blog post discusses potentially triggering issues. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and all month long I have been posting weekly blogs about my journey with mental health struggles. I have done… Continue reading My Mental Health Mash Up